short visit

美 [ʃɔːrt ˈvɪzɪt]英 [ʃɔːt ˈvɪzɪt]
  • 短时间拜访
short visitshort visit
  1. This was a very short visit , but it plunged1 the little prince into deep dejection .


  2. But before we went to Prater , we a short visit in the Imperial Crypt .


  3. Today 's the third day of his short visit to Shanghai .


  4. After a short visit , they took to the road .


  5. Since it 's a short visit , let 's choose the nearest one .


  6. To stop in for a short visit .


  7. We hope you can arrange them a short visit in your department .


  8. There are many types of visas : Bi & short visit for business ;


  9. Yes , it 's a short visit anyway .


  10. A short visit , especially one made as a formality or for business or professional purposes .


  11. Short Visit and Rich Harvest & A Tour of Investigation on French Libraries and Information Institutions


  12. A very short visit to Don Bradley 's office .


  13. She seized the occasion to invite him home for a short visit .


  14. He pops in to my office for a short visit once in a while .


  15. The excursion was rounded off with a short visit to the zoo .


  16. If I were going to have such a short visit on Earth , I had to do everything possible to experience it now .


  17. PHIL WATSON : Once . A very short visit to Don Bradley 's office .


  18. Each of us comes for a short visit , not knowing why , yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose .


  19. Researchers in California say they have found that even just a short visit with a dog helped ease the worries of heart patients .


  20. During his short visit , the Emir will announce the inauguration of nearly 250 million U.S. dollars for rebuilding projects .


  21. Upon my short visit to this temple of art I should not be able to review a fraction of that great world of art which is open to you .


  22. I envision a short visit to meet you in Shenzhen , since I am starting out on my own business and will be using a mileage award .


  23. On her leaving their house after the short visit subsequent to her marriage they were under the impression that she was ultimately going to join her husband ;


  24. She was asleep , twisted in a fetal position . She was very pale , and we knew instantly that this should be a short visit .


  25. The refugees'needs are overwhelming , said the spokesman for the local Kurdish government of Kobani , Idriss Nassan , who has crossed over for a short visit .


  26. I stand here trying to find words of comfort and solace , trying to understand why the Lord has taken our brother to return home from such a short visit here on Earth .


  27. Written after a short visit to the UK ( his first ), his essay is not just witty and acerbic , it is humblingly observant .


  28. This time on very a short visit to rural parts of Zhongxian I saw kingfishers , egrets , a pheasant , and4-5 other species of birds I could not identify .


  29. I also need to remind you that we are only arranging visits to economically developed cities in China this time because this is going to be a short visit . We are yet to take you to China 's countryside and the central and western regions .


  30. Back to Tokyo again ! We still haven 't had a lot of time for some sight-seeing in Tokyo , so Sarah and I ask Hidetoshi if he would be our guide during a short visit of the Imperial Palace East Gardens .
